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  • colorado quilt
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January 19, 2022
Vintage Jenny | Colorado Quilt from The Cutting Table Quilt Blog - A Blog for Quilters by Quilters

Have you ever heard of a Colorado block? Many quilters know this quilt classic by another name, the Dutch Windmill. Using layer cakes, this traditional half-square triangle quilt block comes together in a flash creating a unique and vintage design that has been loved for many years. How many years to be exact? While Jenny couldn’t find much information on the original of the name Dutch Windmill, the Colorado quilt block can be traced back to 1941 where it was published in the Kansas City Star!

To stitch up this classic you’ll need two layers cakes, one of ...

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January 7, 2022
The Colorado Quilt from the Kansas City Star from The Chester County Criswell Quilt

 After twelve months of Nancy Cabot patchwork designs with exaggerated superlative descriptions it is a change to get back to the basics of the quilt blocks from the Kansas City Star.



A Northwestern Kansas woman, Mrs. Pearl Bacon of Achilles, has given us this design as a friendly token to the state on Kansas's western boundary line.  It is well adapted to sharp contracts (contrast?) between very dark and light pieces.  The creator of the pattern used unbleached muslin for her light blocks.  Any light 1-tone material and prints would be attractive combinations.

Weekly Kansas City Star January 8 ...

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